Thursday, December 27, 2007

Click to see our Christmas pics!

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Wednesday, December 26, 2007

On your mark, get set, GO!

Christmas is over. It's sad, but true. That means it's time to prepare for the upcoming year. In my mind I have less than a week to clean and prepare for the year 2008. So now I need to reflect on 2007: what has been accomplished and prepare for 2008: what is yet to be accomplished.
Really Lindsey accomplished the most in 2007. She was born. She's leaps and bounds from the teeny, tiny vomit inducing being that she was this time last year. In addition to being born she has managed to learn to roll over, make cooing noises, smile, laugh, do "push ups." In the 2008 she plans to sit upright, crawl, walk, run, talk, and play. She's even thinking if all that goes well she may attempt speaking in small two word sentences but she may save that for 2009. Frankly I'm exhausted just thinking about what she will accomplish!

Christin has had a big year as well. She learned how to ride a bike, scooter and roller skate. She started nursery school and can even spell some of her name. She recognizes some letters and thinks she can make a C (it's usually laying on it's side with the opening down but whatever!). She's a pro at colors and pretty good with shapes. She can add and subtract sometimes but only when it's important (yesterday I told her she could have 10 m&ms then poured out 7 and asked her how many more I needed to give her to get 10. She said 3 pretty quickly. Even I was shocked and I've been trying to teach her that.) She learned how to pose (I'm not sure how because I never turned ANTM on until she was in bed) but if you say "act ... fill in the blank" she'll make a face or body movement so you can take her picture. I know she's done more but I won't bore you with how my kid is better than yours (oops excuse me while I add "don't be such a competitive parent" to my new years resolutions). In 2008 Christin plans to learn how to write her name, read some, add, subtract, do the dishes (meaning wash them and put them in the drying rack as oppossed to her current practice of taking them out of the drying rack and putting them in the soapy water), if she has her druthers (adding "find out what druthers means to new years resolutions) she'll learn ballet, piano, soccer, and a bunch of other things, she may, if she has time, write a book.

George, well George turned 30 this year and unlike many people who have a breakdown about not accomplishing anything George decided he's accomplished pretty much everything he ever hoped to with the exception of winning the fantasy football trophy. So while I haven't asked him I assume his goal for 2008 is to win that trophy (and maybe buy a bigger house so he has somewhere to display it).

As for me, what have I accomplished? I gave birth, I managed to help 3 children (including Aidan) get through the year with no major injuries or illnesses, I threw 2 surprise parties, was in a wedding, went to a wedding and danced (an accomplishment because I was 8 and 1/2 months pregnant and it was July), gained 25 lbs, lost 25 lbs, made some new friends (Alicia and Liz:), and kept myself only 6 months behind in the scrapbooks! For 2008 I decided to set some lofty goals. First for the vague ones: blog more, catch up on the scrapbooks, feed my family healthier, learn more about herbal health (insert witch doctor joke here), catch up with old friends while maintaining new friendships, do a better job keeping in touch with my siblings, get my child 100% potty trained! (she just came down from her nap walking in that all to familiar way and saying "it was an accident, I didn't mean to). I'll wrap up with my specific goals and expect you to keep me accountable! Read through the Bible in a year, Run a marathon, do daily Bible school time with the kids, and win that ever allusive Mother of the Year Award (or at least make it through January before being disqualified).
PS. Updated pictures are coming for now I have a peepee child and bed to clean up.

Here is what we were doing and learning this summer when I should have been blogging:)