Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Sunny Days and Sick Kids

Spring is finally here. Last week we were trapped in the house while it rained and was a little too chilly to go out. Now it is sunny and beautiful. We, however, are trapped in the house with sick kids. Really it's my fault they are sick. I was just bragging about how "I never have to take my kids in for sick visits, they are just so healthy, it's because I feed them lots of fruits and veggies, oh and I don't let them eat any white flour, oh no it's all whole grains for us. Yup my kids are healthy as horses, you see I don't use hand sanitizer (it weakens the immune system) just soap and water for us, a little dirt off the ground? No biggie, build up those antibodies." Me and my pride!
Seriously Christin had not been to the doctor for a sick visit in over 2 years. Lindsey had never been. This all changed Sunday morning. While getting ready for Church around 8:15 Christin started complaining that her ear hurt. I gave her a warm wash cloth to put on it. By 8:30 she was crying so I called Mom and Dad and asked them to pick up some Motrin (I, of course, do not keep children's medicines in my house! (fool!)) By 8:45 I called the Drs. The nice lady heard Christin screaming in the background and said the doc would call me right away. He did. He also heard the tears, both mine and hers and told me to bring her over and I could meet him there (and by there I mean the farther away Wash. Twp office not the real close one). By the time we got to the office she was beside herself "just wanting to be held" and "please make it stop hurting" and we (mom and I and a starving, but pleasant, Lindsey who I have forgotten still needed to eat) are trying to get her to look at the building and the birds in the woods while we wait for the doc. I'm pretty sure if she could have stopped crying long enough she would have said, "I don't give a crap, shut up and MAKE ME FEEL BETTER!" Too make a really, really long story just really long: an hour, some ear drops, Motrin, ammoxicillan, a lolly pop and a dog toy I thought was a stuffed animal later she was back to her chipper self.
I was emotionally exhausted that night and slept like a log until 12:30 when George brought me a little ball of fire named Lindsey. She had a temp somewhere over 101 (I didn't get a real accurate reading since I was trying to take her temp without her noticing:) Thankfully I had some infant Motrin in the back of the medicine cabinet that didn't expire until the end of this month (what kind of nut doesn't make sure she has infant Motrin when she has an infant?!?!) Lindsey spent the rest of the night nursing and blowing snot all over my breasts (gross I know but how could I leave that part out). Monday she was snotty but no fever, Tuesday she was snotty and miserable. At 5:30pm she woke up from one of many naps with another fever and pulling on her ear. George left for his softball game with "I'll have my cell phone close by if you need me" (I love you hun but I will never believe that line again in my life!) I called the dr. and this time the lady told me I would have to wait until the next day. That wasn't going to work for me. I kindly told the woman that she was 8 months old, I am sure she has an ear infection and she MUST BE SEEN!. She caved and gave me an 8:45pm (they close at 8)appt. in Washington Twp (again). Not only was that 3 hours away but my kids are in bed by 8. I gave Lindsey some more Motrin and called George and left a message saying I needed him home by 8:15. I got both girls in their pj's and then read to them and watched as Lindsey became the happiest I had seen her in days and did not touch her head much less her ear. I began to feel like a fool but I was not backing down. At 7:30 I called George and left a message saying "please, please, please, please (I'm not exaggerating) call me back". At 8 I called George and said (actually I don't know what I said but I don't think it was that mean). I then put pants, socks, and shoes on Christin packed up some stuff and pulled out at 8:15 with both kids in tow. Again to not go on to long (I know you are thinking this is the longest blog ever and it's about your kids getting sick, everybody kids get sick. NOT MINE!) Lindsey did have an ear infection the nice doc told me sometime around 9pm. He was very nice. So were the pharmacists at the 24 hour pharmacy where we waited 20 minutes for more ammoxicillan, so was the nice lady who asked me to move my car before I went into the pharmacy after I had Christin all out of her car seat. At 10pm we finally got home, George was folding laundry and had bought me a gelati with sprinkles (smart man). The girls took their medicine and went to bed and I finally sat down (I know you are thinking I went off on George but I honestly didn't have it in me).
So today, here I am on the computer still in my pjs at 3pm while the sun is shinning. Tomorrow it's supposed to be over 70 and sunny again. We are going outside. No more recovering. You see my kids don't stay sick for long. The medicine works right away because I don't usually give it to them so they aren't resistant to it...(Somebody stop me!!!)

Here is what we were doing and learning this summer when I should have been blogging:)