You know the scene: A child is grumbling and complaining about the hot meal that has been put before them with little or no work on their part. A parent in frustration says what they never thought they would say, "You know, there are starving children in China who would love to eat" The child thinks, but does not dare to say, "you could send it to them but I don't think they'd eat it either because it's gross!" It all comes down to thanklessness.
Lately that has become a problem in our house. Christin doesn't want to brush her teeth, or clean up her toys, or brush her hair. Now the teeth I'm pretty sure it's illegal to pull them out but if you hear otherwise please let me know. The toys, well they're next but we wanted to do something big and drastic to show Christin we meant business. Some sort of announcement that said, "Let it be known from this point forward thanklessness will no longer be tolerated in the DeVol home." So we cut off all her hair. Crazy I know, the first lady that I told the story to at hair cuttery just looked at me with her own, ironically, unkept hair. However, we were blessed to have a hair dresser who also had a four year old and chimed right in with, "you know, if I cut it here (gesturing to a spot much higher on her neck then I had intended) we can donate it to Locks of Love." I thought for a second and then realized that was it. That was saying, "If you don't take care of your things (read hair, toys, teeth?) we will give it to someone who will appreciate it."
Now for those you that think I am a terrible, horrible, no good mother who's child will hate her for the rest of her life, you might be right, but trust me as much as Christin loved her long hair, cutting it did not destroy her self confidence. I still caught her looking in the mirror this morning and stating matter-o- factly, "I look beautiful today." So if all it takes to have a child that is both confidant thankful for the things she has is a few drastic moves lets pack up the toys and food and send them to China and while were at it we can pull a few teeth!