I know I sound a little jaded but that's just because I am! You see I remember everything being rosy until middle school. I have always thought it was something about turning 11 that made girls mean. Well it turns out that 5 is the new 11. Who knew?!?! A recent outing with other girls (just slightly older than Christin) gave me inspiration for a new movie: Mean Girls II: the elementary years. It sounds compelling doesn't it? Here's the general plot: An innocent but strong willed home-schooler meets some other girls. She asks to play with them but is told that it is Wednesday and they wear pigtails on Wednesday and since her mother cut off all her hair she can't play. Not one to be discouraged easily she notes that they are playing with stuffed animals. At the next chance encounter the girl brings not only a stuffed animal for herself but one for each of the girls. How can this plan fail you ask yourself? Thinking she will get her chance to play she skips into the room proudly displaying her animals for all to see. Unfortunately for her she does not have the right kind of animals, it seems that only people with Webkinz can play. Once again the child is shunned. . . I haven't decided which ending is better yet. Ending I wherein the girls are reprimanded and see the error of their ways and they all become life-long friends or Ending II in which the girl gets her revenge by having an acne free puberty will the other girls' faces look like peperoni pizza. . .
Ok, I may have exaggerated a little bit, we'll call it artistic license, but the story is loosely based on a true story that sort of happened one time. And that is what caused me to decide that my girls will only play with boys. Boys fight (which my girls are tough enough to handle) and move on with life remaining friends forever. That's what I want for my girls.
Now before my girlfriends start thinking I hate them I LOVE YOU ALL AND YOU ARE TERRIFIC!!!!!!! but I didn't meet you until later in life;) Well, I guess I did have some pretty wonderful girlfriends in high school and even middle school that I wouldn't trade the memories of for anything and and then there are my Haluwasa friends that I still love. I mean when I think about the sleepovers, jokes, pranks, shopping trips, wawa runs, late night talks. . . Crap, I need to let my girls make some girlfriends! Let's hope this turns out to be a comedy and not a drama!