Thursday, February 26, 2009

Welcome to the Hotel California

So many of you know what a trying pregnancy this has been for us but for those of you who don't allow me to enlighten you. I was my normal violently ill for the first 4 1/2 months. While this sucks we've come to expect that when I get pregnant I am pretty useless for awhile. I had a three week bought with depression that was really rough (no one may know that because, shockingly, when you are depressed you don't feel like talking to anyone). So if you thought I was ignoring you or didn't love you anymore, it's not you, it's me:) It was rough and something I've never experienced before: complete lethargy (I might have made that word up, in case I did it means I was really lethargic:), I felt utterly useless and unproductive, from the time I got up I only wanted to go back to bed and cry. Frankly it sucked but also gave me a real empathy for people who struggle more severly with depression. In case you didn't know I tend to have a "suck it up" attitude about depression. Now, I realize, you can suck all you want but it's just going to result in some serious air bubbles in your stomach! Anyway, I'm feeling better now:)
The biggest complication has been that my womb has become the Hotel California. You can check in, little boy, but you can never check out (bwaa,haha). This is due to a little condition called Placenta Previa. Basically my placenta (or I guess it's the babies placenta since I have no real use for it) is covering the cervix aka exit out of the womb. Thanks to modern medicine you don't need to use the door to get out of this hotel. My doctor will be cutting a temporary door. The good part about this is that I no longer have to make it to June 1st. Most likely we will have our C-Section in mid may (before my birthday). This means I will have had Lindsey at 25 years old and this baby at 26 (impressive eh?) It also means that I have yet to have a "normal" delivery. Christin was Sunny Side Up (which contrary to it's sound is not so sunny) and Lindsey was induced (and still was a week late). So now we are going to try a C-section. I'm thinking the next one will be breech.
Anyway, on a serious note, please pray for all of us. There is a risk that as the baby grows and puts pressure on the placenta I could begin bleeding and need to have an emergency C section earlier than mid May (which is 38 weeks). My thought is "Pray for May" I will be 36 weeks come May 1st and while an emergency C-Section would be scary by then the baby will most likely be developed enough to have a normal start (lungs will be functioning etc.) It's funny to think of the things that I found annoying about the girls births that are now blessings. For example I was late with both of them (lessens my chances of going into labor early with this one) and they were both over 8lbs (not huge but larger than expected which means this one will probably be bigger too and since he will be early that's a great thing!) Oh and I might even get to try out a new hospital and have this one at Lourdes in Camden, which if I do I think I'll write a book of local hospital maternity wards and make some money:)
God is good, all the time! All the time, God is good!

Here is what we were doing and learning this summer when I should have been blogging:)