Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Good to Plan Ahead

We are planners. Both George and I are always making plans. We don't fly by the seat of our pants very well. Admittedly George manages to act out his plans much more often than I do. I tend to plan and not accomplish. Christin has definitely inherited the planning gene. I often say, "Christin, it's time to do schoolwork" to which she responds, "I had planned on playing first." Only time will tell if she will turn her plans to actions or will just always be planning.
So it's not surprising that she made a new plan for her life. One that includes college and moving out (she's come so far, sniff, sniff:) So here it is:
1. Go to Villanova. She made this decision based based on the strictest criteria. They were close to home and had a cat has a mascot. Frankly, I've heard worse reasons to pick a school.
2. Move to Disney World and become a vet at Animal Kingdom.
3. Ride rides on her days off.

Frankly, I'm hoping it works out.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

When Homeschooling Goes Hillariously Wrong

There was something on the couch yesterday.  It was blue and all over the cushins.  Because of the color I was fairly confident it was not poop (which is always a scary possibility) so I bent down to give it a wiff (I know, I am so brave).  It had a distinctly minty smell which told me that some one dared to leave the bathroom while brushing their teeth.  I decided to ask anyway, "Does anyone know what's on the couch?"  Shockingly no one knew.   Then Christin had an flash of brilliance, or so she seemed to think, "I'm pretty sure it's a plague from God."  Oh yes, how could I have forgotten that possibility?  Now I remember:  water to blood, frogs everywhere, flies everywhere, children's bright blue toothpaste on the couch, locusts, darkness, death.  It all makes perfect sense.
Later on I was playing Pharoh and the children were the Israelites (yup we are super weird and dorky).  Anyway, I was ordering them in my most Pharohy voice to clean my fields (aka the playroom) so I could see all my beautiful land.  Christin jumped right on board and started cleaning.  Lindsey however, made her best brat face, looked up at me and said (in that snotty tone usually reserved for eleven year old girls) "No way, Hosanna!"  Somehow it didn't have the same umph that Jose seems to have.  Who knew?
Homeschooling allows my children more creativity when sinning.  That's why we do it.

Friday, January 15, 2010

A Family Dictionary

It bothers me when people adopt their childrens words for things and create their own language.  However, lately I find myself doing the same thing.  I think it's Lindsey's fault.  I'm not sure if you noticed but she's pretty stinkin cute and when she makes up her own words it's hard to resist saying them.  Here's an example of some of the words we've been using:
"oushy squoshy" = silly putty
"mooolk"   = milk (I think this one is pretty smart)
"nilky"  = thats an old one from Christin originally meaning milk but now refering to all liquid
and my favorite:
"smarshmellow" = marshmellow

Soon I'll be talking in a widdle, biddle baby voice and repeating everything twice twice.  Don't you love how motherhood changes people?

Monday, January 11, 2010

Momma called the doctor and the doctor said. . .get a DS.

My children have a doctors kit.  You know, the kind with tweezers, a stethescope, play bandages etc.  However, they don't really seem to know what it's all for.  Uncle Joel bought Lindsey the doctors kit for her birthday at the end of July, a few weeks later the blood pressure taker cuff (I'm pretty sure that's the medical name) detached from the tube and air pump thingy (sorry if I'm confusing you with the medical terms).  Shortly after this piece broke I caught Lindsey walking around with the tube in her mouth pumping air in and sucking spit out.  I said what I say about 392 times a day, "take that out of your mouth please."  She looked up at me horrified and said, "this is my breathing tube, I'm Baby Jack!"  I didn't know whether to laugh or cry.  I think I've done both several times since this is now how that tube is used on a daily basis.

Today Lindsey was "sick" and Dr. Christin was caring for her.  I observed her taking her tempature, pulling out a splinter, giving a shot, and listening to her heart beat; all normal stuff.  Then she handed her the pager, which I found odd, until I heard her say, "Just lie here and play with this DS.  You'll feel better soon." 

Fisher Price, it sounds like it's time to phase out the pager and replace it with the age old healer, a Nintendo DS.

PS.  My children don't even have a DS!

Friday, January 8, 2010

This is My Life

I'm not complaining

I'm just sayin

There's something poetic about the hot chocolate splattered vacuum in the background.

I woke up this morning and decided I needed 15 more minutes to be happy.  It worked and Supermom showed up.  Supermom is my super hero alter ego.  She gets all the school work done, plays horseys, convinces the children to eat all their veggies, does laundry, takes the children outside to play in the snow and then vacuums while the children happily sip hot chocolate.  Unfortunately she doesn't visit very often.  It's usually her evil counterpart, Stupidmom, who stuffs her in the closet, locks the door, and tortures everyone around her.
Anyway, after Supermom served the hot chocolate and vacuumed all the floors her slippy sidekick decided to bring her her mug and it's leftover contents.  Unfortunately Slippy slips a lot and this time she slipped off the bench and dropped Supermoms ceramic Sleeping Beauty mug.   Happily no bones or mugs (amazingly) were broken.
That's life in the day of a super hero.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Cast off Day!

Lindsey get's her cast off today!!!!!!  It will be so nice to not get accidentaly punched with a cast several times a day.

More tomorrow!
PS.  My "thin" page is updated.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Health Vomit

Sometimes Christin gets cases of knowledge vomit, for no apparant reason all her knowledge on a subject comes spewing out.  Lately we've been talking a lot about being more healthy and I guess Christin overloaded because at dinner last night she said the following:

"It's important to be healthy, to do healthy things and take care of our bodies.  You should drink lots of water, eat healthy foods, exercise, wash your body regularly, and brush your teeth.  I'm pretty good at all of that.  Well, maybe not brushing my teeth, but that one isn't really that important."  Here she paused to breathe and I interjected.
"Brushing your teeth is very important."
"Yeah, but it's not like you are going to get sick if you don't brush your teeth."
"Actually, when you brush your teeth you get the germs and bactaria out of your mouth.  Do you know what happens if you don't get them out of your mouth?"
She replied.
"They come out in your poop, eventually, as long as you eat healthy foods and drink lots of water you won't stay sick because the sickness will come out in your poop."  I decided while this may not be exactly biologically correct it was close enough.
"Oh, what healthy foods would you eat?"
"Lima beans, and chicken. . . may I be excused?"

So there you have it folks, everything you need to know about being healthy.  Well, I'm off to make sure Christin brushes her teeth this morning.

Monday, January 4, 2010


As many of us know "the rules of jinx are unflinchingly rigid."  That is why children should not not be taught the game until they are at least never.  Unfortunately we did not learn this until important lesson until it was too late.  Now in our house "jinked" has lots more rules:

1.  Singing doesn't count
2.  You must actually speak at the same time.  Thinking something someone else says does not count.
3.  There is a time limit on how long you have to think of what the other person must do, you cannot leave someone in silence infinitely (since no soda is allowed for the children).
4.  You cannot sit and listen to someone speak and just try and think of their next word to "jink" them.
5.  Mommy and Daddy have vitto power over what you can make us do

Those are the rules, for now, I'm sure as this game continues to develop more will come.

PS.  It wuld apear I know longr hav spel cheker so watch out wurld!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Sunday pSalm

I thought the first Sunday of the year would be a good time to start adding a little spiritualness to my blog and since I'm a big fan of alliteration, a Psalm on Sunday was too (to?) good to pass up. I started flipping through the Psalms looking for one that was representative of the way I'm feeling this new year. This is what I found:

Psalm 13
A Psalm of David

How long, O Lord? Will you forget me forever?
How long will you hide your face from me?
How long must I wrestle with my thoughts
and every day have sorrow in my heart?
How long will my enemy triumph over me?

Look on me and answer, O Lord my God.
Give light to my eyes, or I will sleep in death;
my enemy will say, "I have overcome him",
and my foes will rejoice when I fall.

But I trust in your unfailing love;
my heart rejoices in your salvation,
I will sing to the Lord
For he has been good to me
While the past eight months have been horrible and I have so many times cried out, "how long, Lord?" I am now ready to "rejoice" and "sing to the Lord." I am once again excited to find God's will for my life and see where He is leading me. I know there will still be times of deep sorrow but I will trust in God's unfailing love.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Child of the 80's

It was 29 years ago that Olivia Newton John recorded that infamous song "Let's get Physical." One would think that the repercussions of that song (and so many other awful 80's songs) would have run their course. Alas, this is not the case. Another trademark of the 80's were Carebears. While I enjoyed carebears as a child and don't really mind their come back I do have a problem with this: Warning!!!! What you are about to see may disturb you.

Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Ah, a new year is upon us. Time to forget the past and set lofty somewhat unattainable goals for the next 365 days. I've decided that this year is my year. The year I am going to become the person I've always wanted to be: a combination of Elizabeth Elliot, a super model (anyone will do), Duff (Ace of Cakes), the Pioneer Woman, and an environmentalist (oh and I am going to win the elusive Mom of the Year award this year!). I'm pretty sure I can do it, no problem, ok I'm sure they'll be problems but let's be honest, that's why you read my blog:) So without further ado (become a better speller is not on the list for 2010):
My New Years Resolutions for 2010
1. Get in shape (drop 30lbs)
1. Read through my Bible in a year
1. Eat better (or stop eating crappy foods)
1. Become more "green"
1. Run a full marathon
1. Sell at least one cake (or cookies) a month (including several wedding cakes!)
1. Have 50 followers of this blog
1. Blog every day

I know it's a lot and next year my resolution will probably be "make no resolutions" but 2010 is my year:)

PS. I've created two new pages to chronicle my weight loss and green goals. Check out the links on the right -->

Here is what we were doing and learning this summer when I should have been blogging:)