Friday, January 29, 2010

It's Good to Plan Ahead

We are planners. Both George and I are always making plans. We don't fly by the seat of our pants very well. Admittedly George manages to act out his plans much more often than I do. I tend to plan and not accomplish. Christin has definitely inherited the planning gene. I often say, "Christin, it's time to do schoolwork" to which she responds, "I had planned on playing first." Only time will tell if she will turn her plans to actions or will just always be planning.
So it's not surprising that she made a new plan for her life. One that includes college and moving out (she's come so far, sniff, sniff:) So here it is:
1. Go to Villanova. She made this decision based based on the strictest criteria. They were close to home and had a cat has a mascot. Frankly, I've heard worse reasons to pick a school.
2. Move to Disney World and become a vet at Animal Kingdom.
3. Ride rides on her days off.

Frankly, I'm hoping it works out.


Alicia said...

That's actually not a bad plan I have yet to plan my life out, so maybe I'll let her do it for me. I'm a "fly by the seat of my pants" kinda girl.

Tara said...

Yeah I definitely think we should force her to stick to this goal. Free Disney tickets sound good to me.

Rebecca said...

That's a genius plan! I can't believe I never thought of it! I second Tara's motion. Besides, that would totally make sure she got to see family a lot because we would all want to go visit her ALL the time!

Rebecca said...

By the way, I like the music...although it freaked me out a little at first because I already had music on and I coudldn't figure out what was wrong with my song!

Here is what we were doing and learning this summer when I should have been blogging:)