Tuesday, March 23, 2010

My Life: The Musical

I've always loved musicals.  The range of emotions that come out when watching a musical make them so memorable.  I'll never forget the way I felt sitting on my parents couch with my friend Erica sobbing our eyes out repeating "Did he have to die?!?!" after watching West Side Story.  A beautiful sunny morning always get me singing Oh What a Beautiful Morning from Oklahoma.  Put on a Happy Face from Bye Bye Birdie and You're Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile from Annie can always put a smile on my face.   Speaking of Annie, I can't tell you how many times I've walked around my house belting out Miss Hannigans Little Girls:) 

All that to say, I always thought there was something bizarre about the concept of people just bursting into song in the middle of talking.  It's weird and unrealistic, or so I thought.  Then I had kids.  My children will be holding a perfectly normal conversation with me and suddenly break into song.  It's hard not to laugh when your five year old asks you a deep question about God, you sit down and answer her as clearly as you can and she suddenly stands up and says, "So it's like this?" and burst into a totally made up song.  Sometimes it's more gradual.  I don't even realize what's happining.  Talking becomes singsongy talking and then before I know it there is an entire song and dance taking place in front of me. Lindsey doesn't do this as much but I'v noticed she's starting.  Maybe they are the next big Broadway duo?!?!
It makes me wonder what Richard Rogers and Oscar Hammerstein were like as children.


Cyndee said...

You know what I thought when reading this?

"Sis-ters, sis-ters! There were never such devoted sisters!"


Alicia said...

I'm glad that we're not the only ones who sing our way through the day. Sometimes it's the only way they will listen to me. The bad thing is that I catch myself doing it in Target (and when talking to Lou.)

Rebecca said...

I laughed out loud at the thought of you walking around singing "little girls"! That's perfect! :) I wish we all still broke out randomly into song...that would make life so much more dramatic!

Melissa said...

I found your blog through a friend and read a little of it today. I just laughed out loud reading this post about your daughters just breaking into song as my daughter does the exact same thing often with a little dance thrown in! I love how all children are so similar!

Here is what we were doing and learning this summer when I should have been blogging:)