Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Great Expectations

Most people would say it's a good idea to "shoot for the moon."  I disagree.  The problem with shooting for the moon is that you rarely actually reach it, and frankly, it's a long way down.  Now before you go thinking that I'm a pessimist that just isn't true.  I'm a realist (aka what pessimists call themselves).  In our adoption path I am planning for longest possible wait.  Yes, we could have our baby by Christmas but I prefer to hope we'll have our baby by next Christmas and then if we our home by next Spring I am pleasantly surprised.  Those are the kind of surprises I like.  Pleasantly surprised surprises.
   You see even though I am a realist that is not my inclination.  I have had to teach myself that skill.  I am naturally inclined to assume the best.  The very, very best.  For example, if George says, "We are going away, but the destination is a surprise."  I immediately assume we are going to a tropical island, specifically one of those huts on the water in Bora Bora, when he is talking about camping in the Poconos.    Therefore, I am disappointed. 
    Unfortunately this trait seems to be hereditary.  After six years we have finally learned to stop saying to Christin, "We are going somewhere special today!"  She always assumes it is Disney World when usually it is the zoo.  We weren't sure that Lindsey had caught this particular trait until last week.  Mom came to pick up Lindsey for the library.  She foolishly said those six little words, "I have a surprise for you!"  Lindsey said, "what"  Mom, "We are going somewhere."  With a level of enthusiasm that only Lindsey can attain she said, "Skydiving?!?!?!"  They were going to get water-ice.  Where my two and half year old even came up with the notion that her Nana was going to take her skydiving I will never know.  I don't even know where she has heard of skydiving.  What I do know is that we will never say to her, "We are going somewhere special today!"


Cyndee said...

I guess our husbands should be glad we're happy with them, eh? ;-)

grandpa said...

When you get to my age everwhere is special. Let's just go and if you don't tell me where, it becomes special.

Rebecca said...

hahaha, I love your children!!

Denise said...

I can just picture Lindsey jumping out of the plane and yelling, "WEEEEEEEE!!!!"

Debb said...

Hi Shannon!

THANKS for stopping by our blog.....and for leaving your comment of encouragement and prayer! :) I can already feel my heart lighten this morning!

Praying for you and your family too! Its so amazing to experience the power of prayer! May God get that HS to you quickly and may your wait for the I171H be short! :o)

Blessings to you!

Here is what we were doing and learning this summer when I should have been blogging:)