Tuesday, November 18, 2008

You Know Shannon's Pregnant When. . .

her story's all start with one of the following, "on Regis and Kelly" "on Rachel Ray" or "Today on the View"

her children hear the music to Rachel Ray and say, "are they playing the game with the Mystery Taster today?"

her children don't bat an eyelash when midsentence she jumps up and runs to the trashcan/toilet to puke

were her children's stomach's examined the findings would look something like this: corndog, fishstick, french fry, pizza, apple, pizza, french fry, corndog, fishstick, pear

she's not embarrassed when people stop by and the door can barely be opened, because of all the toys, by the children still in their pj's at 1pm

she has to look at a calendar to see when she last took a shower

if she get's dressed the kids ask "where are you going"

and lastly, she hasn't blogged in forever because she uses blogging time to sleep!

Here is what we were doing and learning this summer when I should have been blogging:)