Monday, March 23, 2009

Wanted: 1 Mommy Bathroom

I have never really understood why people wanted more than one bathroom. Growing up with six people sharing the bathroom didn't seem that odd to me and who wants to clean more than one bathroom anyway?!?! One was fine for me. Until last month. I suddenly find myself symaltaneously potty training two children. Aidan, who turned 3 in February and had zero interest in potty training despite everyone's best efforts, suddenly must have realized that he only had precious weeks left to potty train at my house. If you've never trained a boy before lets just say it's like letting a three year old loose in your bathroom with a water-gun. In addition to Aidan, Lindsey has decided that she would like to be potty trained. If we let her run around naked she will run to the potty use it and then announce it to us all. While I find this wonderful she hasn't grasped the concept of wiping before she gets up. The result is tiny drops of pee (or tooty which is what she calls it:) on and in front of the potty. Fine, I can clean that up, when I know it's there. Sometimes, however, she will use the potty and run off to play without telling anyone (again thrilled about the independence). I will find the pee later.
So where does this leave me? Feeling as if I am constantly dealing with a dirty bathroom covered in bodily fluids. I don't feel comfortable in bare feet in my own bathroom! I find myself "holding it" just to avoid having to walk in there or at least waiting until I have enough time to scrub with some clorox wipes before I go. I know I shouldn't complain. I should just be thankful for the potty training that is going on, however, I can't help but find myself dreaming of a blissfully clean bathroom all for me. With no pee on the floor or seat, a place I can be barefoot and wipe my hands on the hand towel knowing only I have used it. . .Everyone should have dreams.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Who do you think he looks like?

Well, we had another ultrasound yesterday and finally got a good picture, (we haven't had, Leo, our usual tec. in awhile). While I was talking to the doc he apparently was just trying to get us a good picture to take home. We love Leo:)
I honestly think he looks like someone in the pic but I'm not saying who:) What do you think?!?!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Food Monster!

Lindsey always is eating, however, she likes junk food and sometimes it can be hard to get her to eat her healthy food first. If you've heard the kid say "cookie" or "cake" you know what I mean! Anyway, we figured out that if we tell her to be a "insert food name here, monster" she will happily eat anything. I realize this is a little Christmas Storyish (Show Mommy how the piggy eats) but hey, it works. Now that I'm working on #3 "works" is good enough for me. (no pun intended but that was pretty funny wasn't it?!?!)

I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes, I can't remember who said it and I'm not going upstairs to look: "Before I had kids I had six theories on raising children. Now I have six kids and no theories!"

Here is what we were doing and learning this summer when I should have been blogging:)