Monday, March 29, 2010

Momma has a Meltdown

Have you ever had one of those days where you are a complete wreck for no apparent (or hormonal) reason?  It's kind of an out of body experience.  Let me tell you about mine.
For our homestudy I have to have a physical.  I have been to a regular doctor exactly one time since I got married.  That was at the shore.  So I had to find a doctor.  I found one, scheduled an appointment, realized it wouldn't work, called back and rescheduled for today, early.  I showed up at the doctor's office at 7:45am for my 8am appointment.  As I pulled in my cell phone rang.  It was George telling me my appointment had been canceled.  I went in anyway and was told I would have to sit there until 8 when they opened their window to reschedule my appointment.  That ticked me off so I went home and called at 8.  Guess what?  They don't answer the phone til nine.  I may be done with them.  I haven't decided.
So for whatever reason this really made my day crappy.  I was tired and cranky for most of the morning. 

I had to suck it up though and head to see my favorite Irish doctor.  I was looking forward to the relaxing environment of the waiting room:  the candles, tea, cookies and the greeting of, "Shannon, my love, how are you?!?!?"  I didn't realize how apprehensive I was about going back there until I was on my way.  I started realizing that I was usually pregnant when I was there and I wasn't this time and probably never would be again but I pushed it down knowing that my obgyn would make me feel better (I know it sounds weird but I adore the woman)  Anyway, I walked in and gave my name to a girl I'd never seen before.  She said, "Oh I tried to call you and tell you we had to cancel your appointment but the line was busy"  Commence breakdown.  I said, "When did you call?"  her, "March 17"  Me, "AND YOU NEVER CALLED BACK!"  She said, "Well, we called three times and it was busy every time.  If you could see the list of people I have to call.  I can't just keep calling people.  Sorry.  I can reschedule you  for the end of June"  I made sure my number we correct and gave them my cell phone and got out of there just as I started to cry.  I was soooooo frustrated I just started driving home when I realized I was supposed to pick up a prescription.  I pulled myself back together.  Turned around and went back in to demand my prescription.  I expected the girl to give me an attitude but instead she apologized saying she had had a bad day.  I said, "me too" and started to cry just a little.  That's when Patti, the midwife walked in.  She asked what was wrong.  When I told her I was fine she said, "Shannon, your standing in the window crying!  What are you doing?!?!  Come back here!"  I put my head down and plowed through the crowded waiting room to the back where Patti put her arm around me while I tried to convince her, between sobs, that, "I [sob] really [sob] am [sob] fine.  I ddddddon't [sob] know [sob] what [sob] my pppproblem is."  The whole time I was sitting there I felt like such a dork!  I was so embarrassed to be crying like that and I still don't really know why.  I went in there expecting to tell them all how great I was doing and instead I was having a complete break down. 

Well, you've heard that the squeaky wheel gets the oil?  Apparently so does the sobbing nut case.  The receptionist brought me in several months of free prescriptions and Patti told her to schedule me an appointment.  When the girl said, "We don't have anything until the end of June" Patti said, "I think we've inconvenienced her enough, make something, and soon."   So I go back in a couple of weeks.  I'm hoping I can come up with a great plan by then to convince them I really am fine! 


sonflowerjax said...

Awww, you poor thing!! Rain, or no rain- we need to run this out tomorrow!!! :( Hopefully your night was better than your morning!!

Rebecca said...

:( I'm so sorry Shan! I hope your day improved! And I'm glad that they rescheduled your appointment for sooner than June! Love you!

Alicia said...

What a craptastic way to start the day! :-( I would not return to the normal doctor - Lou and I like our practice if you want their number. Hope the rest of the day was better for you!

Tara said...

I don't understand this part "for no apparent (or hormonal) reason". I don't think I've ever encountered any situation I can't blame on hormones. That's why I like being female. said...

Oh! How awful!! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. . .the only time I had a high blood pressure reading was because of the idiocy of scheduling appointments! Usually I am very low. . .God Bless and good luck!!

Here is what we were doing and learning this summer when I should have been blogging:)